Our company provides comprehensive services to build computer vision models and develop applications using deep learning and Jetson powered by PyTorch.

Contact us: info@visioline.eu

Our company provides comprehensive services to build computer vision models and develop applications using deep learning and Jetson powered by PyTorch.

We specialize in image classification, object detection, semantic segmentation, pose estimation, and action recognition. We have expertise in training image classification models with PyTorch onboard Jetson and helping our clients create custom models by collecting classification datasets.

We help to annotate images for object detection datasets and create custom detection models.

We also provide fullyconvolutional semantic segmentation networks on Jetson for realtime segmentation on a live camera stream.

Our team of experts can design and build machine vision user interfaces for developers to interact with the deep learning models.

We offer professional guidance to get the most out of deep learning, helping our customers to incorporate the latest methods and technology in their projects.

We apply our experience and knowledge to build powerful computer vision models and produce valuable results, ensuring our clients benefit from the most uptodate and innovative solutions.

By using Jetson and PyTorch, we can create and deploy deep learning models quickly and effectively.

At our company, our commitment is to provide robust, reliable and effective computer vision solutions using deep learning. We help our customers to turn their groundbreaking ideas into reality and make their projects a success.