
We are pleased to offer a wide range of hosting and storage services to meet the needs of businesses and organizations of all sizes.

Our dedicated servers offer the highest level of performance and reliability, with resources that are dedicated solely to your business. We also offer virtual servers, which provide a cost-effective alternative to physical servers and allow you to scale your operations as needed.

In addition to dedicated and virtual servers, we also offer storage and backup storage solutions to help you manage and protect your data. Our team of experts is available to assist you in finding the right combination of services to meet your specific needs.

We also offer a range of specialized services, including MySQL-, MSSQL-, and terminal server hosting. These services are designed to support the smooth operation of your applications and websites.

Overall, we have the resources and expertise to support your IT infrastructure, no matter what your needs may be. Contact us today to learn more about how our hosting and storage services can benefit your business.

1. Database services (MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, etc.)
2. Web hosting (Apache, Nginx, etc.)
3. Email hosting (Exchange Server, Postfix, etc.)
4. Cloud storage services 
5. Application servers (Tomcat, JBoss, etc.)
6. Backup and recovery services
7. Firewalls and other security services
8. VPN services
9. DNS hosting
10. VoIP services

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